Wednesday, August 29, 2007

youtube nirvana

This passed my strict quality control standards within about 10 seconds.

Dr. Teeth!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Cupcakes en route

It took a long time for me to convince myself that this wasn't a bad idea, but all it took was a purpose -- to chronicle my attempting to bake every recipe in Isa Chandra Moscowitz's Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. So ostensibly I'm starting this blog not to report on or dramatize my own life in any way but to show you pretty pictures of cupcakes (and to intermittently inflict my insular, reactionary, curmudgeony opinions about music on a totally uncaring internet).

Yes, my blog is an intensely unfunny pun on probably the best album by probably my favorite band. Yes, this has been attempted before, albeit with way more typos. But baking is fun, and I've got too much kitchen equipment to let it go to waste. For the time being, here's some Led Zeppelin.